Healthy churches create loving community that help everyone put their faith in Jesus into practice.

We’re convinced most churches, including us, have the same basic problem.  We don’t obey Jesus as faithfully as we should.  We’re also convinced this basic problem has a simple solution: Disciple-Making.

Making Disciples is helping people obey Jesus.  We don’t claim to be experts.  We’re learning like you.  We are committed.  God is gracious.  We promise to do our best to help you.

If you would like to begin your faith journey, or reawaken faith, a 10-week commitment can change the course & direction of your life. Please ask about Discovery Bible Study (DBS).

We trust God is at work in the world and in your life. DBS is one way for you to discover for yourself what Jesus is like and how Jesus wants you to live.

What we believe…

We’re part of the Bible Fellowship Church.  We’re an expanding fellowship of churches committed to making disciples of Jesus Christ.  Below is a button that links to what we believe about Jesus, the Bible, the Church, and many other important ideas.  We call them our Articles of Faith.

Come Visit And Worship With Us

theMISSION would love to hear from you and will be happy to answer any questions you have. Fill out the form below and we will be in touch with you shortly.


    We now meet alternating Fridays in member homes. Join us for community, study, and prayer.

    Mailing Address

    PO Box 1252
    Middletown, DE 19709



    Get Connected

    theMISSION wants to be a people who wait patiently upon our Heavenly Father. We want to be a people who marvel at what God is doing among us. So many people want to be part of a community seeking God’s leading and loving one another. It’s what the Church is called to do; it’s who we want to be.

    Ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.