Jesus says, “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”

Technically, Jesus does not say “money” although money is very appropriate because money is such a powerful influence (god) in our lives. Jesus says “mammon” which is bigger than cash, check, or credit card.

To help me understand where I falsely declare money is my god, I have been thinking about the purpose & benefits (to me) of having God and money in my life.

First money.  Money enables the following:

  • Security (food, shelter, clothing, healthcare, etc.).
  • Generosity (gifts, hospitality, donations).
  • Fun & Adventure (entertainment, hobbies, vacations).
  • Legacy for others (education, inheritance).

Intellectually, I know money doesn’t inherently possess these things.  Money is a vehicle or medium of exchange to acquire these things.  I use the money – emphasis “use.” 

Now God.  Believing in Jesus provides many of the same things:

  • Security in community.
  • Generosity as I do for others what they do for me.
  • Abundant Life.

Am I using Jesus in similar ways to how I use money?  This is huge for me.  I don’t need money – I need what money enables.  Where am I prone to say the same things about Jesus.  I don’t need you, Jesus – I need something you can give: healing or discernment or peace.

Of course, I never say that, but actions speak louder than words.  God, have mercy!